Streets of Brentwood
History of The Streets of Brentwood – It almost happened
All seven Commissioners had voted on the first reading to approve The Streets of Brentwood. It was a massive mixed-use development at the corner of Franklin Road and Maryland Way. The project was planned to be over one million square feet of office and retail space with approximately 365 apartments.
If approved The Streets of Brentwood would have been the size of Green Hills Mall at one of the busiest traffic intersections in town.
Developers were suggesting that the project would have very little effect on traffic and schools, which very few people believed. The architect for the project, Michael Hindman stated in a Public Hearing the development would make Brentwood “Cool”. Needless to say, many residents lost confidence in our body of Commissioners over this proposal. Enough feedback was provided to Commissioners to convince a majority of them the project was not what Brentwood residents wanted. The developer, Jimmy Granbery, withdrew the project when it became apparent it would not pass on the second and final reading. Mr. Granbery subsequently came back to the commission later and The Hill Center Project was approved, which had only about half the number of square feet of office and retail services and no apartments. That project is more in keeping with what is appropriate for commercial development in the eyes of most Brentwood residents.